Quilted, Decorated or Thread Painted Instrument Cases & Wall Hangers

These are examples of what I can do with an instrument case, or how I can build an instrument wall hanger. These are not for sale.


Quilted Ukulele Case I made using my DulciArt design called “Zebra Rose,” along with a commercial zebra fabric.

My studio after I reorganized recently. NOTE: instruments are in a “safe” corner.

WARNING! Bear in mind, walls are not safe places for instruments. Mine are hung in a corner where there is no risk of them being knocked off by an energetic child, dog, or clumsy visitor. I will only guarantee the quality of my work, not the safety of your instrument. All things age. I trust my instruments to these wall hangers, but I do keep an eye on the loops for wear.

Email me at DulciArt@icloud.com.